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Information system by ClockBS for access to the latest information about your hotel at any moment from any place.

Infomatic is a service provided by ClockBS for users of Clock Evolution (v.6) hotel system. It allows online access to a custom defined selection of reports, which are updated automatically at an interval you define. They can be checked using a standard or mobile browser from your desktop computer, notebook or mobile phone. The access to your information is protected by an encrypted SSL connection, user name and password. The service functions on a secure ClockBS server to which all internet traffic is directed, thus eliminating any risks for your computer network. Using Infomatic does not require any additional equipment. All you need is an internet connection to your hotel for the automatic updates.

To activate your Infomatic service, please contact the nearest ClockBS office.

Infomatic, by ClockBS. Hospitality software and solutions